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There are PEs that arent outright evil. Some are known for even saving companies.

They just don't end up doing anything newsworthy. Lol

In this context, the final line would be:

Then when my children needed a teacher, and I was sick, or old, there was no one left to support me.

That blog post seems a lot more involved - it adds code to the bytecode compiler as well as to the parser.

I suspect that’s mostly because the `until` statement is more complex - but another factor seems to be Python’s change in parsing technology from LL(1) to PEG.

It's a limited field of one person, but John Peel (BBC dj) sure introduced me to so much. Never found anything like the show for making me realise how much music I was missing...so thought fuck it...can't listen to everything, so I won't bother trying. I write my own music for me. It's on a yt channel (no images), so if anyone does discover it all....it's yours. And everyone elses.

When you pay for goods or services, you should expect to receive something. If you pay extra for leather seats, you’re getting leather seats. If you pay for DLC as part of a game, you’re subsidising the cost of the developer adding more stuff to the game. The pricing of digital products and add-ons may not always be fair but you should be getting access to something valuable that you didn’t already have, i.e. something that costs money to develop and/or host.

In this case, you already bought and paid for the additional RAM. The manufacturer is refusing to let you use it until you pay additional money, even though you theoretically own it already. That’s not providing a service, it’s just extortion.

If you could somehow prove that the additional RAM was not factored into the original cost of what you bought then this might be fair (albeit wasteful) - but I doubt it…

Too few locations, only a tiny percent of global hotel inventory.

I practically live in hotels. Generally I have a fairly specific location and date range in mind. Every booking site I use has most of the same filters HotelsWith offers.

Does this site scrape Expedia? That’s where the booking links seem to lead, though I only tested a couple.

Rocket Launch is an innovative Next.js boilerplate designed to propel your web development projects into orbit. Packed with powerful features and optimizations, it offers the perfect starting point for building ultra-fast, modern web applications. Blast off into the future of web development with Rocket Launch.

And if you’re a voter you need to vote for people who will push back on this.

People don’t typically have a lot of choice to hop around between hospitals and medical providers (which is, of course, a strategic win for said PE groups). Even if you have choice, a growing number of Americans do not.

I am sorry for your bad experience, I will update it to not restrict any user from checking it. But you can try it by rotating the phone(landscape orientation). I forced it because the layout is designed for landscape.

“The average days is longer than 24 hours” is always a fun one.

It's not a comforting story, but I think it can provide meaning. It does for me at least. While we are not gods, we are different from all other animals - we are where "the fallen angel meets the rising ape" as Terry Pratchett wrote.

While we might not have free will in an absolute, metaphysical sense, we can self-reflect, practice self-control, shape our environment, and even change our nature. What will we do with this power?

There is no eternal afterlife to go to, but we now understand what actual life is - and it's no longer so nasty and brutish. Perhaps soon it won't be so short either. We are certainly capable of extending it in principle, we just need to get our shit together.

Comforting stories are cozy, but we are growing up. We've become smart enough to cause a whole lot of trouble for ourselves, and are not yet wise enough to fix it. We're confused, can't make sense of things and constantly whine about it. But that's how growth works. Humanity might just be in its awkward emo teenage phase.

For some reason, the guarantee in the format of the response doesn't seem sufficient in preventing backwards incompatible changes that may happen to models.

Yes, the response might be in a standard format. But a well formed response can still be bad/broken.

Another way to think about it, is it can "pass QA" one day, and "fail QA" the next day even if the API response is identically formatted/structured.

One way to lose weight, I suppose?

The function that calls the function I'm currently working in

When convertcsv.com converts JSON to CSV, it uses the / separator to store the structure in the column headings. Probably could use an option for . too.

Are you curious about Bitcoin mining and wondering if it’s still profitable? With the rise of Bitcoin’s popularity, many people are asking themselves this very question. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of Bitcoin mining, debunk common myths, and introduce you to the best place to clear your doubts and get started: Hashing Drop.https://hashingdrop.com

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"I've heard it quipped that Americans are subsidizing the discovery of new medical techniques for the rest of the world."

The way Trump touted an invention from the German company BioNTech as "Invented in America".

> And? It's not like the US is a major steel producer with annual production more than 10x less than China's.

China is a major outlier, with more than half of global production -- in other words, all other countries combined don't equal China.

Yet India is the number 2 producer, Japan is #3, and the US is #4. Germany is #8 globally, but it has a historically large steel production base, and it's #1 in the EU by far, so I included it in the statement nevertheless.

What I wrote could be restated: "That's substantially more than the total output of the #2, #3, and #4-ranked steel producing nations." It's a hell of a lot.

> Most mental health solutions offered in the workplace are either employee assistance programs (EAPs), which offer short-term counseling or phone access to a helpline, or preventative tech solutions, like mindfulness apps. These low-touch solutions have minimal engagement.

These are all I've seen at the places I've worked, and I have never heard of anybody actually using them (although I'm sure many who do simply never mention it). I don't use them on two counts: I think they're without value, and they feel too much like my employer further encroaching on my life. My employer already directs more than a third of it. I jealously guard the rest.

Before 2008, there was a bust in 1980.

Most attribute that to rising interest rates at the time. Given that the prime rate now is just 40% of what it was in 1980, it's not like interest rates can't rise enough to impact the housing market at some point in the future.

Is it in your interest or their interest?

It would be great if potential employers would lay out all the negatives of working there honestly so I can know whether it's a good fit.

Potential dates should also make it easier to reject them by detailing their flaws.

The antelope really should just stand still so the lion can decide if it looks delicious or not.

My point is: they have their reasoning to show their creation in the best light. You could perhaps argue that it's better for all of us if they give a more objective and neutral description but you have to make a convincing case. You can't just say, "it would be better for me if you behaved differently" and grumble if it's not happening. Convince them of mutual interest.

I'm partial to "com" - short for computer, or communicator. Hasn't caught on yet though.

I associate and even am friends with all kinds of people I don't agree with. Implying that I endorse their views just because I associate with them would be to assign motivations to me that I don't have.

A friend and I built a proof-of-concept of using a variation of Latent Semantic Analysis to automatically build up conceptual maps and loadings of individual words against the latent conceptual vectors back in 2000. In exploring what it would take to scale I concluded, like you, that we should use professionally written and edited content like books, news articles and scientific journals as the corpus against which to build up the core knowledge graph.

Twenty-four years later I still regret not being able to raise money to enable us to keep working on that nascent startup. In most ways it was still too early. Google was still burning through VC money at that point and the midwestern investors we had some access to didn't get it. And, honestly they were probably correct. Compute power was still too expensive and quality data sources like published text were mostly locked up and generally not available to harvest.

This is interesting and appreciated but I'm not sure it's a Show HN unless the OP is representing Anthropic?

Hey fellow devs! I just published the second part of my series on JavaScript Design Patterns, and this time, we’re covering the Factory Pattern . If you’ve ever struggled with object creation and want to make your code more maintainable and scalable, this article is for you.

Here’s what you can expect:

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Looking forward to hearing your feedback!

#JavaScript #WebDevelopment #FactoryPattern #Programming #DesignPatterns

Lazy Edwardian industrial workers demanding 8 hours sleep after 16 hours work!

"Oooohh we used to dream of living in a corridor..." - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE

> Tmux control mode was contributed by the iTerm2’s author

TIL, I didn't know that!

> agreed to my current contract, and a part of that contact is "if I want to quit I either give a months notice

This is fine. What's not fine is not being able to determine when that notice period starts, or if it's allowed to start at all. This is the context of this thread.

Having a legal avenue for an employer to never allow an employee to quit is incredibly dystopian. Some might say analogous to slavery.

All I can suggest is, if you really want to take a scientific approach to all this, you may want to start by finding out what Christianity actually teaches, rather than the garbled third-hand nonsense you've quoted above, which bears no resemblance to anything taught by a mainstream Christian denomination at least since the Council of Nicaea. I'll admit it's not easy to figure out, especially when some churches like to continue arguing with others about some of the details, and also when "just read the Bible" really doesn't help because it's hard to make sense of on its own (sorry, Luther, but sola scriptura never really stood up, otherwise all the preachers would be out of a job). It takes time and patience to really understand what claims Christianity makes on your life and on the world. Welcome to theology, it's not science, but it still requires critical thinking, intelligence and a sensitivity to nuance.

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